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Tuesday, December 26, 2017
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We consult people by using Vedic Astrology and Nadi/Stellar Astrology as well to predict upcoming major events of the live of a native like Career , Marriage , Litigation , Travel etc . We have 6 years of experience in Astrology . Our main objective is to make people aware of Astrology as science rather a superstition and break the myth of misconceptions about the astrology like maanglik dosh , kaal sarp dosh etc .
Myths in Astrology
Sade Sati
Transit of Saturn in the 12th House, Ascendant and the 2nd House with reference to the Moon Chart is termed as Sade Sati. Saturn takes two and a half years to travel in one sign therefore to travel three Houses 12th, Ascendant and 2nd House it takes seven and a half years. Therefore this Transit of Saturn in the three Houses 12th, Ascendant and 2nd with reference to the Moon chart is called Sade Sati. Sade sati is considered extremely inauspicious. This is because Saturn is considered as one of the most dreaded Planet in India by the believers of Astrology and its Transit is considered inauspicious* because it will disturb Planet, Moon which is Natural Significator of Mind.
In Hindu Astrology Transits are considered to pin point the events after Dasa, Bhukti, Antar have endorsed an event. Therefore if the Dasa, Bhukti Antar are good and Saturn is even bad can not do any harm in whichever House it is transiting in the Horoscope. Moreover Transit of single Planet should not be considered. Transits are handled in following manner :
Any of the three planets which signify a particular event should
either conjoin in one house
or aspect each other
or transit the significator houses
or aspect them
or transit over their natal positionn
either conjoin in one house
or aspect each other
or transit the significator houses
or aspect them
or transit over their natal positionn
This implies that at least three Planets are required to trigger an event after the Dasa, Bhukti, Antar have endorsed it. Therefore the discussion on Sade Sati becomes worthless.
* Auspiciousness and Inauspiciousness are terms related to religion and are comparitive words therefore reaching to conclusion is not possible.
Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru became the Prime Minister during Sade Sati. You will find several examples of people who have excelled in various fields during what is being advertised as Sade Sati.
According to Hindu Astrology an event Takes place as follows:
1) Dasa, Bhukti, Antar have endorsed it.
2) After that Transits of Planets are considered to further pin point the same. At least three Planets are required which signify the same event to finally trigger the event.
A single Planet is not capable to culminate an event therefore Saturn single handedly in its Sade sati will prove ineffective if it does not get support from at least two more Planets each in Dasas and Transits.
Note : You may find bad results in a Horoscope during Sade Sati of a Native. Do check the effects according to the rules given in Hindu Astrology. Do not jump to the conclusion that because Sade Sati is in operation bad results are operating or have operated.
According to Hindu Astrology an event Takes place as follows:
1) Dasa, Bhukti, Antar have endorsed it.
2) After that Transits of Planets are considered to further pin point the same. At least three Planets are required which signify the same event to finally trigger the event.
Nadi Astrology
There are about 700 crores people in the world. If we divide total population of the world in 12 parts we arrive at figure of 60 crores. Predictions on the basis of sun signs means predicting same for 60 crores people of different age, cast, creed & religion. Whereas FACT IS TWO TWINS ARE DIFFERENT.
According to the principles of Nadi Astrology the Zodiac is divided into 12 equal sub divisions of Signs with equal subdivisions of the 27 Nakshatras. These Nakshatras are further subdivided into unequal “Sub lords”. Nadi Astrology lays greater emphasis on the sub lord which is stronger than the Nakshatra & in the same sequence the Nakshatra is stronger than the Planet.
The experience shows that the system of study of Astrology through the Sign, Nakshatra & Sub lord gives most accurate results because in this system we judge every planet on three platforms. In this system we cast the horoscope of the native by taking date, time & place of birth by drawing Lagan chart & Nirayana Bhava chalit chart. For predicting each event not a single House but combination of Houses is taken into consideration. For Timing each event Vimshottari Dasa is used with Transits.
Nadi astrology is only predictive hindu system of astrology. In traditional Hindu Astrology Parshari Astrology and Jamini Astrology are taught however these systems of astrology do not have any pin pointed method for predictions of events. Nadi Astrology deals with pin pointed predictions on all the events of life viz. Education, Litigation, Property, Vehicle Purchase, Travel, Career, Health, Marriage, Child Birth and Longevity. Nadi Astrology deals with these events of life in an exhaustive manner
Houses in Astrology and their significance
By Prashant Pathak at December 26, 2017
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appearance, personality, face, health, character, temperament, intellect,
longevity, fortune, honour, dignity, prosperity.
House :
family, speech, right eye, nail, tongue, nose, teeth, ambition, food,
imagination, power of observation, jewelry, precious stones, unnatural sex,
loss by cheating and violence between life partners.
House :
brothers and sisters, cousins, relatives, neighbors, courage, firmness, valour,
chest, right ear, hands, short journeys, nervous system, communication, writing
– editing books, reporting to newspapers, education, intellect.
House :
conveyance, relatives, domestic environment, treasure, land, house, education,
landed property, hereditary tendencies, later portion of life, hidden treasure,
private love affairs, chest, interference in married life by parents-in laws
and family, ornaments, clothes.
House :
intelligence, fame, position, stomach, love affairs, pleasures, and amusements,
speculation, past birth, soul, position in life, artistic talent, heart and
back, proficiency in games, success in competition.
House :
Disease, debt, disputes, miseries, injuries, maternal aunt or uncle, enemies,
service, food, clothes, theft, ill fame, pet animals, subordinates, tenants,
House :
personality of spouse, relations between life partners, desires, partnership,
open enemies, recovery, journey, litigation, danger to life, influence in
foreign countries and fame, relations between self and public, sexual or
urinary disease.
House :
kind of death, sexual organs, obstacles, accident, unearned wealth,
inheritance, legacy, will, insurance, pension and gratuity, theft, robbery,
worries, delay, battles, enemies, inheritance of money, mental affliction,
extramarital life.
House :
religion, character, grand parents, long journeys, grandson, devotion towards
elders and god, spiritual initiation, dreams, higher education, wife’s younger
brother, brother’s wife, visit to holy places, philosophy, communication with
House :
fame, power, position, authority, honour, success, status, knees, character,
karmas, ambition in life, father, employers and superiors, relationship between
self and superiors, success in business, promotion, recognition from
House :
prosperity, fulfillment of desires, friends, elder brother, ankles, left ear,
advisers, favorites, recovery of illness, expectation, son’s wife, wishes,
success in undertakings.
House :
punishment, confinement, expenditure, donations (given), marriage, work related
to water resorts, vedic sacrifice, fines paid, sexual enjoyment outside
wedlock, contacting sexually transmitted disease, weakness in sexual act,
sleeping comforts, enjoying luxuries, loss of spouse, losses in marriage,
termination of employment, separation from own people, long journeys,
settlement in foreign land.
Basic Astrology
History of Astrology
Astrology |
Evidences prove that the early civilizations had deep knowledge of the science of Astrology. Astrology was germinated in the Hindu kingdom. Mesopotamians and Babylonians developed it separately. Even in prehistoric times Days, Paksh, Ayan, Months and Era were known. Moon was greatest clock at those times. Written around 5000B.C. Vedas have references of orbit of Planets, Nakshatras, Yug, Months, Tithis, Eclipse, Meteors, Comets etc. Northerly course and Southern course of Sun were also known. Astrology was practiced to predict various events of life of Natives and also Mundane events like wars, outcome of wars, floods etc. Various Rishis had advanced knowledge of the science. Some of them are Rishi Agastya, Narad, Bhrigu, Surya, Atri, Kashyap, Mirich, Manu, Lomesh, Chyawan, Garg etc.
Europeans believe that Seth (3769 B.C.) was the world’s first Astrologer. Around 2,600 years ago priests and shepherds of Chaldea studied this science seriously. Greeks also practised Astrology. One of the Greek Horoscope written in Papyrus about 2000 years ago is kept in British Museum. Astrology was popular with Egyptians too. Pharaohs had faith in Astrology and they use to consult Astrologers for taking decisions. At 2750 B.C. in China, from the days of King Fohi, Astronomy and Astrology were widely studied .
In India, sage Parashar is believed to have dictated “Brihat Parashar Hora Shastram” to his students in between 5000 B.C. – 4000 B.C. There were two schools of thought at those times. Sign system taught by Sage Jaimini and Planetry system propounded by sage Parashar. According to Jaimini, Signs aspect each other and Timing of events was done by Dasas attributed to Signs. On the contrary Parashar in his all time great work “Brihat Parashar Hora Shastram” considered Conjunctions and Aspects between Planets. Dasa were attributed to Planets and Transits also were read form Planets. The Parashari system didn’t loose and is still being practiced in whole of the country.
Astrology was widely in use in the period of Mahabharata.
Astrology was widely in use in the period of Mahabharata.
Various Rishis had predicted the war beforehand and its outcome. Lagadh, around year 700B.C. wrote “Jyotish Vedang” in Kashmir. He described Muhurat, Ayan, Month, Year, Season, Day etc. He invented a time measuring instrument, which used to have hole in its bottom. It was kept on the surface of water. After a fixed time it used to drown in water.
Alexander attacked India in 326 B.C. from N.W. direction. This marked exchange of knowledge between Greeks (Yavans) and Hindus. Surya Sidhant is believed to be written in 100B.C. Greatest of researchers, Aryabhatt was born in 476 A.D. He wrote Aryabhtiyam. He had the knowledge of Heliocentric and Geocentric systems. He was a professor in Nalanda. He influenced Mihir, popularly known as Varahmihir. Born in 505 A.D. Mihir wrote “Brihatjatak” on the lines of “Brihat Parashar Hora Shastram”. He just added his observations. Kalyan Verma in 578 A.D. wrote Saravali on the same lines. Twenty years later Brahmgupt, wrote “Brahmgupt Sidhant”. Son of Mihir, Prithuyash wrote “Shat panchsika” on Horary Astrology.
Bhatopal explained the works of Mihir and Brahmgupt in his times. He wrote commentaries on their works in 888A.D. and became famous. Sripathi was born in 999A.D. He wrote Sripathi Padhati, Ratnasaar, Ratnamaala, Ratnawali. Born in 1114 A.D., Bhaskaracharya is famous for “Sidhant Shiromani”, “Karan Kauntal, “Sarvabhadra” based on Brahmguptas study.
All the Astrologers extended on the legendary work “Brihat Parashar Hora Shastram” until Yavanacharya gave a new look to Astrology, and developed “Tajik Shastra”. He wrote “Tajik Shastra” in Arabic, therefore some Astrologers believe that he developed this work in Tajakistan and not in India. This system is of annual horoscopy or “Varshaphal” and Tajik yogas are used for predictions like Ishraf, Induvar etc. They are not like aspects and conjunctions or combinations used in Parashari astrology. However for practicing this system Natal Horoscope is made in the same manner. Many Astrologers believe that Tej Singh in 1300A.D. evolved the Tajik system.
Born in 1456 A.D. Keshav wrote several books on Applied Astronomy. His famous works are Jatak Padhati, Tithi Sidhi, Ganit Deepak etc. Son of Keshav, Ganesh Daivagya wrote “Grah Laghav” and a dozen more books. Dhundhiraj, wrote his observations in Astrology in the book “Jatak Bharnam”. Maansagari is collection of observation of many Astrologers written in 1500A.D. Meanwhile few books on Muhurat were also written. Keshav wrote Muhrat Tatwa. Muhurat Martanda, Muhurat Chintamani, Muhurat Kalpdrum were written by Narayan, Rambhatt and Vithal Dixit respectively in the years 1491 A.D., 1600 A.D., 1627 A.D. Uttarkalamrit is believed to have written in 16th century by Kalidas (not the author of “Abhigyan Shakuntlam”) on the same lines of “Brihat Parashar Hora Shastram”.
Born in 1456 A.D. Keshav wrote several books on Applied Astronomy. His famous works are Jatak Padhati, Tithi Sidhi, Ganit Deepak etc. Son of Keshav, Ganesh Daivagya wrote “Grah Laghav” and a dozen more books. Dhundhiraj, wrote his observations in Astrology in the book “Jatak Bharnam”. Maansagari is collection of observation of many Astrologers written in 1500A.D. Meanwhile few books on Muhurat were also written. Keshav wrote Muhrat Tatwa. Muhurat Martanda, Muhurat Chintamani, Muhurat Kalpdrum were written by Narayan, Rambhatt and Vithal Dixit respectively in the years 1491 A.D., 1600 A.D., 1627 A.D. Uttarkalamrit is believed to have written in 16th century by Kalidas (not the author of “Abhigyan Shakuntlam”) on the same lines of “Brihat Parashar Hora Shastram”.
Illustrious sons of Anant Daivagya, Neelkanth and Ram and wrote “Tajik Neelkanthi” and “Muhurat Chintamani” respectively. Munishwar wrote commentaries on Sidhant Shiromani. Jatak Padhati was written by Divakar.
Various studies including Astrology lost their way from the Times of Aurangzeb until Englishmen consolidated their position in the country. Ninteenth century was era of “Exploration of the Past”. Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Sudhkar Dwivedi, Nityanand, Mansagar, Raghunath Acharya, Sir Syyed Ahmed Khan, Sh. Ramkrishna Paramhans etc. and later Bal Gngadhar Tilak and others explored rich Hindu Tradition. Vedas, Epics viz. Mahabharat, Ramayan etc. were translated in various languages including English and were made available to common people. Raghunath Acharya was fellow of The Royal Astronomical Society. He wrote “Jyotish Chintamani”.
In Astrology various texts “Brihat Parashar Hora Shastram”, Brihat Jatakam and others were also translated. B. Suryanarayan Rao and his grandson B.V.Raman translated various texts. B.V. Raman set up schools of Astrology in various parts of the country in recent times in which Traditional Astrology is taught to the students. He also gave a new Ayanamsa which bears his name.
1950’s saw emergence of a new star, Jyotish Martand Krishnamurti in the Hindu Astrological scenario. He was from Madras, now called Chennai. According to him he tried predictions on the basis of traditional Astrology. Then he studied “Nadi Astrology” from Sh. R. G. Rao. Associate of Sh. Gurumurti and did research on it. He found the system to be extremely accurate. He said precise predictions are possible only on the basis of Nadi Astrology and not on the basis of traditional system. He wrote seven readers on it and spread this system in various parts of the country. According to him accurate predictions are possible by using Signs, Nakshatra, Sub lord, House cusps, and using combination of Houses for events which can be pin pointed by Vimshottari Dasa. He used inequal system of Houses in “Chalit Chart”. Method taught by him was spread all over the country and his followers are still spreading the science in the name of “K.P. System or “Krishnamurti Padhati”. His books bear the name “Stellar Astrology”.